Discussion on IPMI provider libraries

tomjose tomjose at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Tue Nov 8 00:43:52 AEDT 2016

Hello Brendan,

The discussion is with respect to issue 

The goal of this issue is to share ipmi provider libraries between 
and phosphor-net-ipmid.

The plan is to provide a framework in net-ipmid to register IPMI 
provider API's.
Every IPMI command has a privilege level which would be compared against 
the session's
privilege level before the command is executed. For supporting IPMI on 
LAN channel,
the privilege for each command need to be assigned.

This is the present signature of the callback command API's.

typedef ipmi_ret_t (*ipmid_callback_t)(ipmi_netfn_t, ipmi_cmd_t, 
ipmi_data_len_t, ipmi_context_t);

I plan to add additional parameter for the command privilege level. I 
heard you had interest
around this area to modify callback API to suit your specific needs.

Let me know your thoughts.


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