[PATCH phosphor-event] Create a possible limit to the number of logs recorded

OpenBMC Patches openbmc-patches at stwcx.xyz
Tue May 17 15:40:37 AEST 2016


There was a technique that created over 1000 event logs.  This taxed
the REST interface a lot.  It caused connections to time out.  I am
adding a way to limit the number of physical logs irregardless of the
size.  Like the size limiter, logs are not deleted automatically.

That may actually be a debate (save new logs, delete old logs) vs
(delete new logs, save old logs).  I welcome the suggestions.

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Chris Austen (1):
  Create a possible limit to the number of logs recorded

 event_messaged.C | 10 +++++++---
 message.C        | 14 ++++++++++++--
 message.H        |  3 ++-
 test.C           | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 4 files changed, 73 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)


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