[NEMO-devel] Is this a bug?: previous.out display

Yusak Tanoto yusak.tanoto at gmail.com
Thu Sep 21 15:00:52 AEST 2017

Hi Dr. Ben,

I want to have a plot for my run with up scaling demand, but the results
shown after previous.out shown the demand without up scaling and different
time step with unused surplus energy . Also, regarding the graph, will it
be shown the demand with up scaling or not? In this case, 349.8 TWh vs
166.6 TWh



C:\Users\Yusak Tanoto\Documents\nemo-edited\nemo-edited>python -m scoop
evolve.py -s Jamali-PVnopolygon -d scale:110 -g 20
[2017-09-21 14:51:14,980] launcher  INFO    SCOOP 0.7 1.1 on win32 using
Python 2.7.13 (v2.7.13:a06454b1afa1, Dec 17 2016, 20:42:59) [MSC v.1500 32
bit (Intel)], API: 1013
[2017-09-21 14:51:14,980] launcher  INFO    Deploying 4 worker(s) over 1
[2017-09-21 14:51:14,980] launcher  INFO    Worker distribution:
[2017-09-21 14:51:14,980] launcher  INFO       3 + origin
{'verbose': False, 'trace_file': None, 'fossil_limit': None,
'supply_scenario': 'Jamali-PVnopolygon', 'carbon_price': 25, 'reserves': 0,
'discount_rate': 0.05, 'coal_price': 2.28, 'gas_price': 10.37,
'hydro_limit': 400.0, 'reliability_std': None, 'geothermal2_limit': 300.0,
'emissions_limit': None, 'ccs_storage_costs': 27.0, 'lambda_': None,
'bioenergy_limit': 20.0, 'demand_modifier': ['scale:110'], 're_limit':
None, 'lolp_std': None, 'nsp_limit': 0.75, 'seed': None, 'list_scenarios':
False, 'transmission': False, 'costs': 'Indonesia2030Mid', 'generations':
20, 'sigma': 2.0, 'min_regional_generation': None}
                  fitness         hallfame
                -----------     -----------
gen     nevals  min             min
0       10      4.75539e+16     4.75539e+16
1       10      4.98548e+16     4.75539e+16
2       10      1.97465e+16     1.97465e+16
3       10      1.06831e+16     1.06831e+16
4       10      7.65231e+15     7.65231e+15
5       10      2.40995e+15     2.40995e+15
6       10      3.16869e+14     3.16869e+14
7       10      2.05397e+15     3.16869e+14
8       10      2.88199e+14     2.88199e+14
9       10      1.20191e+14     1.20191e+14
10      10      1.52209e+09     1.52209e+09
11      10      80.011          80.011
12      10      74.8999         74.8999
13      10      74.3228         74.3228
14      10      71.1148         71.1148
15      10      68.5687         68.5687
16      10      67.0128         67.0128
17      10      67.7038         67.0128
18      10      67.1173         67.0128
19      10      66.7773         66.7773
Jamali-PVnopolygon: [29.983140195080328, 19.11157028919725,
26.195215239048249, 0, 22.565046869059071, 11.201144800197103, 0,
23.656919608011535, 38.854522717932745]
        polygon 5 PV (JAVA:5), 29.98 GW
           supplied 48.92 TWh, CF 18.6%, surplus 0.0 TWh, capcost
$27,254,674,437, opcost $299,831,401, LCOE $42
        Geothermal2 (JAVA:5), 10.00 GW
           supplied 87.48 TWh, CF 99.9%, capcost $45,070,000,000, opcost
$1,430,000,000, LCOE $49, ran 8,760 hours
        hydro (JAVA:5), 4.00 GW
           supplied 34.73 TWh, CF 99.1%, capcost $15,256,000,000, opcost
$160,000,000, LCOE $33, ran 8,718 hours
        pumped-hydro (JAVA:5), 0.00 GW
           supplied 0 TWh, ran 0 hours
        coal (JAVA:5), 20.00 GW
           supplied 149.6 TWh, CF 85.4%, capcost $68,780,000,000, opcost
$7,202,143,927, LCOE $78, ran 8,619 hours, 115.6 Mt CO2
        CCGT (JAVA:5), 10.00 GW
           supplied 26.96 TWh, CF 30.8%, capcost $9,630,000,000, opcost
$2,385,068,474, LCOE $111, ran 5,232 hours, 10.8 Mt CO2
        biomass (JAVA:5), 0.00 GW
           supplied 0 TWh, ran 0 hours
        biofuel (JAVA:5), 2.00 GW
           supplied 1.394 TWh, CF 8.0%, capcost $1,514,000,000, opcost
$227,945,774, LCOE $234, ran 911 hours
        OCGT (JAVA:5), 10.00 GW
           supplied 0.7286 TWh, CF 0.8%, capcost $8,190,000,000, opcost
$225,575,170, LCOE $1040, ran 485 hours, 0.5 Mt CO2
Timesteps: 8760 h
Demand energy: 349.8 TWh
Unused surplus energy: 0.0 TWh
Timesteps with unused surplus energy: 19
No unserved energy
No Loss of Load
Score: 66.78 $/MWh
Total emissions: 126.93 MtCO2
[2017-09-21 14:51:49,141] launcher  ( INFO    Root process
is done.
[2017-09-21 14:51:49,141] launcher  ( INFO    Finished
cleaning spawned subprocesses.

C:\Users\Yusak Tanoto\Documents\nemo-edited\nemo-edited>python replay.py -f
previous.out -x
scenario Jamali-PVnopolygon
Timesteps: 8760 h
Demand energy: 166.6 TWh
Unused surplus energy: 6.5 TWh
Timesteps with unused surplus energy: 1539
No unserved energy
No Loss of Load
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