question about LMB's size

Will Schmidt willschm at
Thu Jan 20 08:50:20 EST 2005


Zhao Yu Wang <wangzyu at> wrote on 01/18/2005 10:50:39 PM:

> Hi,Will
> Thanks
> >in early boot messages, there is a line "SystemCfg->physicalMemorySize =
> >0x.......".   This value should be precisely what you are trying to
> >measure.
> >A bit later in the logs, you can also see a line
> >"Memory: XXXXk/YYYYk available (###k kernel code, ###k reserved, ###k
> >###k bss, ###k init).
> >the YYYYk should also match what you are looking for.
> If the system boot up several days before, the boot log is not
> available at this time. Whether there has any other method to get
> the physical memory from lpar.

You should be able to find a copy of the early boot log somewhere in
/var/log; either /var/log/boot.msg or /var/log/dmesg.   Depending on the
distro or kernel level, the assortments of files in /var/log seems to vary.

> Could the OS provide a method to obtain the real memory. It will
> help to dynamic reassign resource according by the load between
> several partition.

My recommendation is that you stick with the values that are reported via
the HMC commands.   There might be an RMC command on the Linux side that
can obtain the value from the HMC, but am not postive of that.

> Thanks & Best regards,
> --------------------------------------------
> Wang Zhaoyu
> Email: wangzyu at
> Notes: Zhao Yu Wang/China/Contr/IBM at IBMCN


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