[PATCH] clean up compiler warnings in 2.5 bk

Nathan Lynch nathanl at austin.ibm.com
Fri Nov 14 06:37:24 EST 2003

Paul Mackerras wrote:
>>-        if (np->node != NULL) {
>>+        if (np->node) {
> Why do you consider the + version to be better?  I prefer the != NULL
> form myself.  If the compiler is warning about that then the compiler
> is broken and we should get it fixed.

I prefer it because use of NULL implies that np->node is a pointer,
which it is not.  The compiler's warning seems valid to me.

Anyway, both gcc 3.2.1 and 3.3.2 produce the warning.  If you prefer
explicit comparison, here is a patch that replaces NULL with 0.

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