lparcfg code

Nathan Lynch nathanl at austin.ibm.com
Fri Dec 12 10:11:00 EST 2003

Will Schmidt wrote:
> I've just pushed up some changes that include help text, got rid of those
> extra '&' chars, and moved the function opening braces.
> I will need to revisit the code before too long to fill in the guts of the
> get_splpar_potential_characteristics() function, and will  see what I can
> do to resolve the rest of the comments.
> The purpose of the lparcfg interface was initially intended to be an
> interface for a License Manager  tool to determine what sort of system
> capabilities exist.     Some of the contents are available elsewhere in the
> device tree, but this is meant to be a 'one-stop shopping' interface. :-)

Thanks, Will.  I noticed a couple other little things (compiler
warnings, some more && vs & stuff, and struct initializers) in the
meantime, patch is attached.

Look ok?


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