some questions about XUP and the generation of ace file

Grant Likely grant.likely at
Sat Aug 11 00:14:24 EST 2007

On 8/10/07, windstorm <likunarmstrong at> wrote:
> Hello all:
> I am trying to transfer the Linux onto XUP board. The kernel source I
> used is from the git trees from andrei konovalov or grant likely. But
> I encounter two questions now.
> 1 Generally, I should correct the kernel source file
> arch/ppc/boot/common/ns16550.c, In that file, changing SERIAL_BAUD
> from 9600 to 38400  makes the bootloader talk at 38400. I always do it
> when I use standard kernel source. But this time I found out that the
> ns16550.c's path is arch/ppc/boot/, not arch/ppc/boot/common/, and
> there was no "SERIAL_BAUD" string any more. So, how can I control the
> baud rate?


I don't know what you're referring to.  ns16550.c is in
arch/ppc/boot/common on my tree, and it still contains the SERIAL_BAUD

> 2 I have compiled the kernel and obtained a Image.elf whose size is
> 1.7MB, and then it's time for creating a system.ace file which I can
> put onto a compact flash card.  I Changed the file xupGenace.opt like
> the follow:

You can do this, but I don't think it's a particularly good idea.
Binding the kernel image into an ACE file results in a *very* large
ace file, and it's slow.  Consider the fact that doing it that way
means that you're transferring the entire 1.7MB image via JTAG.

I've also seem problems where DDR isn't fully initialized before the
SystemACE tries to transfer the image which results in a non-booting

What I do, is I've got a small bootloader that lives in BRAM and is
just smart enough to load an elf file off of the CF card.  If I can
get permission to do so, I'll publish the source for my utility.

> -jprog
> -board user
> -target ppc_hw
> -hw ./implementation/download.bit
> -elf zImage.elf
> -configdevice devicenr 1 idcode 0x1127e093 irlength 14 partname xc2vp30
> -debugdevice devicenr 1 cpunr 1
> -ace system.ace
> and executed the command: xmd -tcl genace.tcl -opt genace.opt
> and the result I saw is:  Using GenACE option file : genace.opt
> Error: Executable zImage.elf does not contain start address..
> I examine the information by google, some said that it's the bug of
> development tools without sp, but both my ISE and EDK was patched.
> Others said that it's because of the "mb-objdump", we should chage it
> into "powerpc-eaci-objdump", and actually I had done this correction.
> BUT, the error still here.
> Could anyone please to help me about this question? I will be very grateful.

Very odd.  I haven't seen this problem myself so I can't be much help. sorry.

> BTW, could any kind person send any basic config file, which had been
> proved that the kernel compiled based on it could work good on XUP
> board?

I don't have that board, sorry


Grant Likely, B.Sc., P.Eng.
Secret Lab Technologies Ltd.
grant.likely at
(403) 399-0195

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