plb_temac, ML403, linux 2.4.26, EDK 7.1

Ming Liu eemingliu at
Thu Oct 12 06:24:51 EST 2006


>So, right now I am trying to get the plb_temac to compile and get errors 
about the defines XPAR_XTEMAC_* within the linux directories 
../drivers/net/xilinx_enet.  I see that the edk gets the defines within the 
xparameters.h file of the xapp902 project.  I also see that my 
C:\EDK\sw\ThirdParty\bsp\linux_mvl31_v1_01_a\drivers don't have anything 
for a plb_temac.

Yes. In MV3.1, there is no gige enet supported. You should include the 
patch for TEMAC by yourself.

>Q:    Is my error related to an incorrect setup of the linux or with the 

Try to check your xparameters.h file and find if there are the definations.

>Q:    t is stated that the plb_temac drivers are in EDK 8.1.  Can I stick
>with 7.1 or must I ugprade?

I don't think that's the problem of 7.1, if you can make sure you use a 
correct core for TEMAC and generated correct BSP files.

>Q:    Where in the linux tree should I look for the xtemac
>stuff?  Is this what the EDK pushes on to the tree or is it released
>within the MVL distro?

Try to find the patch for TEMAC in this list. 

>Q    Based on posts by David and Ming, it
>appears that I must use xilinx_gige to get up to gigE speeds.  Will the
>plb_temac support this data rate and, if so, is this a transparent
>support or do I need to go the route suggested to Ming and
>overwrite files in xilinx_enet?

Temac is tri-mode including 1000M/s speed. sorry that i cannot understand 
this question very well.


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