Linux on Virtex4

Filippo Capurso filippo.capurso at
Thu Jun 22 17:32:52 EST 2006

Hi Grant,

Thank you for your kind answer.

> Yes, I had seen your message; but I'm not an expert on the 4xx mmu.  I
> haven't seen that behaviour on my board.
> Double check your memory ranges.  Have you given the kernel real RAM?
I'll investigate further on that...

Anyway, is your porting to the ML403 intended to work on Xilinx 
reference design? I haven't exactly this design on my Virtex-4 because 
I've remapped the flash memory to the end of the CPU address space in 
order to execute automatically U-Boot after the configuration process... 
also, obviously, I haven't any BRAM on this design (it was mapped at the 
end of the address space).
The only thing that I've done to recompile the kernel for my project is 
replacing the xparameters_ml403.h file with the EDK generated one. Is 
this correct? Other things to do? My aim just now is to get a working 
kernel with serial port support only.
Thank you.

Filippo Capurso


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