Lite5200 NFS mount issue

Kimmo Surakka kimmo.surakka at
Tue Jun 20 22:03:27 EST 2006

Bjorn.Ostby at wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm using u-boot 1.1.4 (CVS downloaded 2006-05-04) and ELDK 4.0. I've 
> problems when trying to mount a NFS root filesystem when using the Lite 
> development board. The system mounts ok when the board is connected to 
office wide 
> network switches but if the board is connected directly through a small 
100/10Mbit switch
> to the NFS server, the mount halts as shown in the log below (The 100/10Mbit 
> do work as other boards can mount their filesystem through these). Does 
> recognize this problem and know a suitable work-around/solution?

Try adding the ",tcp" to the kernel's "nfsroot=..." parameter, i.e. use 
commandline "root=/dev/nfs rw nfsroot=,tcp 
ip= panic=1".

I recall having similar problems when connecting through an 100/10Mbit switch 
and in our case, the ",tcp" switch did the trick.


Kimmo Surakka

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