MPC5200B SPI PSC3 Problem

Trueskew trueskew at
Thu Jun 8 08:21:22 EST 2006

We have an AIC26 codec connected to our Lite5200B platform via J21.  I've
used MPC5200BUG to configure PSC3 as an SPI master, along with some samples
I've found online (including here) and some I received from Freescale.
Although the transfers seem to be working as expected (please see the output
file at the end of this message), I get only 0xffff back.  This occurs
whether or not the device is attached to J21.  A scope shows that PSC3_8
(SPI_SS) and PSC3_9 (SPI_CLK) are low at all times, and I'm concerned I'm
still doing something wrong with respect to enabling SPI over PSC3.  
I'm including my driver initialization code, my write code, and output
showing the write behavior.  If someone could comment on it, I would greatly
appreciate it... or if someone flat out has code to do this, I'd be happy to
take it from you.  I've seen a few variations, but whether I use them
directly or modify them as I need to, I can't seem to get past this.  Of
course, any other suggestions are welcome.
Initialization Code
#define GPIO_PSC3_PORT_CONFIG_MASK 0x00000f00
   #define      GPIO_PSC3_PORT_CONFIG 0x00000700  /* PSC3 mode with mclk */
#else  /* SPI_USE_MCLK */
   #define      GPIO_PSC3_PORT_CONFIG 0x00000600  /* PSC3 mode */
#endif /* SPI_USE_MCLK */
#define       CDM_PSC3_MCLK_ENABLE 0x00000080
#define       CDM_PSC3_MCLK_CONFIG 0x8020      /* Divide Fvco ftom 528 to 
                                                  16Mhz */
#define        PSC3_SICR_REG_VALUE 0x0280f000  /* 16-bit select Codec SPI 
                                                  master mode, msb first, 
                                                  UseEOF=1. GenClk=1, SIM, 
                                                  CPOL and CPHA are 
                                                  function input */  
   /* Select the Pin-Muxing for PSC3 Codec mode */
   gpio = (struct mpc52xx_gpio *) ioremap(MPC52xx_GPIO,
     sizeof(struct mpc52xx_gpio));
      port_config = gpio->port_config;
      port_config &= ~GPIO_PSC3_PORT_CONFIG_MASK;
      port_config |= GPIO_PSC3_PORT_CONFIG;
      gpio->port_config = port_config;
   /* PSC clock enable */
   g_pCDM->clk_enables |= CDM_PSC3_MCLK_ENABLE;
   g_pCDM->mclken_div_psc3 = CDM_PSC3_MCLK_CONFIG;
#endif /* SPI_USE_MCLK */
   /* Disable rx and tx */
   g_pPSC->command = MPC52xx_PSC_RST_RX;
   g_pPSC->command = MPC52xx_PSC_RST_TX;
   g_pPSC->command = MPC52xx_PSC_SEL_MODE_REG_1;
   g_pPSC->command = MPC52xx_PSC_RST_ERR_STAT;
   g_pPSC->command = MPC52xx_PSC_RX_DISABLE | MPC52xx_PSC_TX_DISABLE;  
   g_pPSC->mode = 0;
   g_pPSC->sicr = PSC3_SICR_REG_VALUE;
   #ifdef SPI_USE_MCLK
   g_pPSC->ccr=0x0703;       /* set SCK and DSCKL delay */
   #else  /* SPI_USE_MCLK */
   g_pPSC->ccr=0x0003;       /* set SCK and DSCKL delay must be > 2 */
   #endif /* SPI_USE_MCLK */
   g_pPSC->ctur=0x00;        /* Set DTL delay 2us */
   g_pPSC->rfalarm=100;      /* Alarm values taken from SPI example sample
   g_pPSC->rfcntl &= 0xf8;       /* 0 byte granularity */
   g_pPSC->tfcntl = 1;
   /* Enable rx & tx */
   g_pPSC->command = MPC52xx_PSC_RST_RX;
   g_pPSC->command = MPC52xx_PSC_RST_TX;
   g_pPSC->command = MPC52xx_PSC_SEL_MODE_REG_1;
   g_pPSC->command = MPC52xx_PSC_RST_ERR_STAT;
   g_pPSC->command = MPC52xx_PSC_RX_ENABLE | MPC52xx_PSC_TX_ENABLE;  
Write code
static int mpc52xx_spi_transfer(u16 *p_usBuffer, u16 p_usCount)
   u16 usIndex, usTemp;
   printk("Entry:         psc=%x status=%04x tfstat=%04x rfstat=%04x
mode=%02x\n   tfnum %3d  rfnum %3d\n",
     g_pPSC->tfnum, g_pPSC->rfnum);
   g_pPSC->command = MPC52xx_PSC_RST_RX;
   g_pPSC->command = MPC52xx_PSC_RST_TX;
   g_pPSC->command = MPC52xx_PSC_SEL_MODE_REG_1;
   g_pPSC->command = MPC52xx_PSC_RST_ERR_STAT;
   g_pPSC->command = MPC52xx_PSC_RX_ENABLE | MPC52xx_PSC_TX_ENABLE;
   printk("TX-RX Enable:  psc=%x status=%04x tfstat=%04x rfstat=%04x
mode=%02x\n   tfnum %3d  rfnum %3d\n",
     g_pPSC->tfnum, g_pPSC->rfnum);
   /* Clean out the read FIFO */
   usIndex = 0;
   while(g_pPSC->mpc52xx_psc_status & MPC52xx_PSC_SR_RXRDY)
      usTemp = g_pPSC->mpc52xx_psc_buffer_16;
      printk("Flushing Rx FIFO: psc=%x status=%04x tfstat=%04x rfstat=%04x
mode=%02x\n   tfnum %3d  rfnum %3d\n",
        g_pPSC->tfnum, g_pPSC->rfnum);
      if(usIndex == 10) return(-1);
   /* Send out the buffer */
   g_pPSC->command = MPC52xx_PSC_RX_ENABLE | MPC52xx_PSC_TX_DISABLE;
   for(usIndex=0; usIndex<p_usCount; usIndex++)
      printk("Sending %04x:  psc=%x status=%04x tfstat=%04x rfstat=%04x
mode=%02x\n   tfnum %3d  rfnum %3d\n",
        g_pPSC->tfnum, g_pPSC->rfnum);
      g_pPSC->mpc52xx_psc_buffer_16 = p_usBuffer[usIndex];
      printk("Sent:          psc=%x status=%04x tfstat=%04x rfstat=%04x
mode=%02x\n   tfnum %3d  rfnum %3d\n",
        g_pPSC->tfnum, g_pPSC->rfnum);
   g_pPSC->command = MPC52xx_PSC_RX_ENABLE | MPC52xx_PSC_TX_ENABLE;
   usTemp = 0;
      printk("TFNUM Wait:   psc=%x status=%04x tfstat=%04x rfstat=%04x
mode=%02x\n   tfnum %3d  rfnum %3d\n",
        g_pPSC->tfnum, g_pPSC->rfnum);
      if(usTemp == 10) return(-1);
   printk("TxRDY:         psc=%x status=%04x tfstat=%04x rfstat=%04x
mode=%02x\n   tfnum %3d  rfnum %3d\n",
     g_pPSC->tfnum, g_pPSC->rfnum);
   for(usIndex=0; usIndex<p_usCount; usIndex++)
      usTemp = 0;
      while(!(g_pPSC->mpc52xx_psc_status & MPC52xx_PSC_SR_RXRDY))
         printk("RxRDY Wait:    psc=%x status=%04x tfstat=%04x rfstat=%04x
mode=%02x\n   tfnum %3d  rfnum %3d\n",
           g_pPSC->tfnum, g_pPSC->rfnum);
         if(usTemp == 10) return(-1);
      printk("RxRDY:         psc=%x status=%04x tfstat=%04x rfstat=%04x
mode=%02x\n   tfnum %3d  rfnum %3d\n",
        g_pPSC->tfnum, g_pPSC->rfnum);
      p_usBuffer[usIndex] = g_pPSC->mpc52xx_psc_buffer_16;
      printk("  Received %04x\n", p_usBuffer[usIndex]);
   printk("EXIT:          psc=%x status=%04x tfstat=%04x rfstat=%04x
mode=%02x\n   tfnum %3d  rfnum %3d\n",
     g_pPSC->tfnum, g_pPSC->rfnum);

The lines below are a capture of register settings from my driver,
along with output lines when trying to write 16 bit words to our
device.  This output is consistent whether the device is connected
or not (via J21).  Basic operation, delimited by "------...---":
  - Disable TX, Enable RX (despite the "TX-RX Enable" heading)
  - Send word 1
  - Send word 2
  - Enable TX, Enable RX
  - Wait for tfnum == 0
  - Receive data
port_config=91051624 sicr=0280f000 clk_enables=00ffffff div_psc3=800f
Entry:         psc=f0002400 status=0400 tfstat=0003 rfstat=0003 mode=33
   tfnum   0  rfnum   0
TX-RX Enable:  psc=f0002400 status=0400 tfstat=0003 rfstat=0003 mode=33
   tfnum   0  rfnum   0
Sending 0880:  psc=f0002400 status=0400 tfstat=0003 rfstat=0003 mode=07
   tfnum   0  rfnum   0
Sent:          psc=f0002400 status=0000 tfstat=0002 rfstat=0002 mode=07
   tfnum   2  rfnum   0
Sending bb00:  psc=f0002400 status=0000 tfstat=0002 rfstat=0002 mode=07
   tfnum   2  rfnum   0
Sent:          psc=f0002400 status=0000 tfstat=0002 rfstat=0002 mode=07
   tfnum   4  rfnum   0
TFNUM Wait:   psc=f0002400 status=0000 tfstat=0002 rfstat=0002 mode=07
   tfnum   2  rfnum   0
TxRDY:         psc=f0002400 status=0500 tfstat=0003 rfstat=0003 mode=07
   tfnum   0  rfnum   4
RxRDY:         psc=f0002400 status=0500 tfstat=0003 rfstat=0003 mode=07
   tfnum   0  rfnum   4
  Received ffff
RxRDY:         psc=f0002400 status=0500 tfstat=0003 rfstat=0003 mode=07
   tfnum   0  rfnum   2
  Received ffff
EXIT:          psc=f0002400 status=0400 tfstat=0003 rfstat=0003 mode=07
   tfnum   0  rfnum   0
Entry:         psc=f0002400 status=0400 tfstat=0003 rfstat=0003 mode=07
   tfnum   0  rfnum   0
TX-RX Enable:  psc=f0002400 status=0400 tfstat=0003 rfstat=0003 mode=33
   tfnum   0  rfnum   0
Sending 8820:  psc=f0002400 status=0400 tfstat=0003 rfstat=0003 mode=07
   tfnum   0  rfnum   0
Sent:          psc=f0002400 status=0000 tfstat=0002 rfstat=0002 mode=07
   tfnum   2  rfnum   0
Sending 0000:  psc=f0002400 status=0000 tfstat=0002 rfstat=0002 mode=07
   tfnum   2  rfnum   0
Sent:          psc=f0002400 status=0000 tfstat=0002 rfstat=0002 mode=07
   tfnum   4  rfnum   0
TFNUM Wait:   psc=f0002400 status=0000 tfstat=0002 rfstat=0002 mode=07
   tfnum   2  rfnum   0
TxRDY:         psc=f0002400 status=0500 tfstat=0003 rfstat=0003 mode=07
   tfnum   0  rfnum   4
RxRDY:         psc=f0002400 status=0500 tfstat=0003 rfstat=0003 mode=07
   tfnum   0  rfnum   4
  Received ffff
RxRDY:         psc=f0002400 status=0500 tfstat=0003 rfstat=0003 mode=07
   tfnum   0  rfnum   2
  Received ffff
EXIT:          psc=f0002400 status=0400 tfstat=0003 rfstat=0003 mode=07
   tfnum   0  rfnum   0
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