MPC5200 - Problem with PSC mode

Zeitler, Nathan nzeitler at
Tue Jan 31 01:18:56 EST 2006

Hi Allann,

> out_8(&psc->command, MPC5xxx_PSC_RST_RX |
>          MPC5xxx_PSC_RST_TX |
>          MPC5xxx_PSC_SEL_MODE_REG_1 |
>          MPC5xxx_PSC_RST_ERR_STAT);

It looks like you're trying to do too many things at once here.  
ORing SEL_MODE_REG_1 and RST_ERR_STAT together 
forms a completely different command in the Command 
register.  You may want to break that into two lines of code.  
Give that a try!

Open Systems International, Inc. 
Nathan Zeitler
Hardware Engineer
3600 Holly Lane North, Suite 40
Minneapolis, MN 55447-1286
Phone: 763 551 0559
Fax: 763 551 0750
E-mail: nzeitler at

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