Segmentation fault with and Coral-P drivers
Wolfgang Denk
wd at
Thu Jan 5 02:48:12 EST 2006
Dear Matthias,
in message <b789c2e60601040333o42d64c52n at> you wrote:
> I have been trying to get running on a board called "Embedded
> Planet EP5200C" (it seems to be a "Freescale Lite5200") and a Fujitsu
Umm... no. Embedded Plaet and Freescale are two different companies,
and EP5200 and Lite5200 are two different boards.
> Coral-P (Rev 5.0). I am using the 2.4 kernel from and
Our kernel does not include any support for the EP5200 board.
> succesfully installed gentoo-ppc on nfs. The framebuffer works, I get
> a login prompt on the monitor.
> Now I compiled (gentoo -r4) and the mb86290 driver from
> Unfortunately, it does not work and I get a segmentation
> fault when trying to startx. strace produces the output attached
> below.
Please read the documentation that comes with the driver:
Note that the driver was built and tested against xfree86-4.3.0;
don't expect the binary to work in a completely different X11
release. You wil have to rebuild (and eventually adapt) the driver
for your environment.
Feel free to contact me if you need help.
Best regards,
Wolfgang Denk
Software Engineering: Embedded and Realtime Systems, Embedded Linux
Phone: (+49)-8142-66989-10 Fax: (+49)-8142-66989-80 Email: wd at
What can it profit a man to gain the whole world and to come to his
property with a gastric ulcer, a blown prostate, and bifocals?
-- John Steinbeck, _Cannery Row_
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