"argument list too long"
Wolfgang Denk
wd at denx.de
Wed Jan 4 01:17:24 EST 2006
In message <f8bc181b0601030606x3b29ee28q at mail.gmail.com> you wrote:
> After a few minutes of dependency creation, I get the following error
> "argument list too long":
> scripts/mkdep -- `find
> /usr/src/linuxppc_2_4_devel-2005-10-25-1440/include/asm
> /usr/src/linuxppc_2_4
> _devel-2005-10-25-1440/include/linux
> /usr/src/linuxppc_2_4_devel-2005-10-25-1440/include/scsi /usr/s
> rc/linuxppc_2_4_devel-2005-10-25-1440/include/net
> /usr/src/linuxppc_2_4_devel-2005-10-25-1440/includ
> e/math-emu \( -name SCCS -o -name .svn \) -prune -o -follow -name \*.h !
> -name modversions.h -print`
> > .hdepend
> scripts/mkdep: argument list too long
> make: *** [dep-files] Error 2
> Can someone help me understand where that comes from?
The error comes from the fact that the find command (the part in
`...` above) generates a long list of file names which exceeds some
buffer in your shell.
> Does it have something to do with the fact that I work under WinXP + Cygwin?
> No need to say that I am a newbie to the Linux world... help me, Wolfgang
> :-)
I try. Find the statement in the Makefile and use xargs to avoid a
long argument list. Something like this might help:
--- Makefile.ORIG 2006-01-03 15:15:48.000000000 +0100
+++ Makefile 2006-01-03 15:16:55.000000000 +0100
@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@
$(MAKE) update-modverfile
- scripts/mkdep -- `find $(FINDHPATH) \( -name SCCS -o -name .svn \) -prune -o -follow -name \*.h ! -name modversions.h -print` > .hdepend
+ find $(FINDHPATH) \( -name SCCS -o -name .svn \) -prune -o -follow -name \*.h ! -name modversions.h -print | xargs scripts/mkdep -- > .hdepend
scripts/mkdep -- init/*.c > .depend
Best regards,
Wolfgang Denk
Software Engineering: Embedded and Realtime Systems, Embedded Linux
Phone: (+49)-8142-66989-10 Fax: (+49)-8142-66989-80 Email: wd at denx.de
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