Re: Re: Instruction Set Simulator

jeanwelly jeanwelly at
Sun Feb 19 00:48:17 EST 2006

Hi,  All
Seems  PearPC  is  big  package,  is  there  any  small  one  as  simulator  which  can  be  use  in  Linux  or  Win?  Thank  you! 


>I  looked  at  PearPC  running  on  an  X86  and  was  able  to  get  Debian  ppc
>Linux  installed  on  it.
>I  was  looking  to  use  it  as  a  pseudo  native  platform  to  do  crossplatform
>The  performance  was  slow.  But  otherwise  it  was  interesting.
>Eventually  I  bought  a  powerbook  off  eBay  cheap.
>Most  of  the  time  I  use  cross  tools,  but  now  and  then  it  is  useful  to
>have  a  running
>PPC  based  system  to  sanity  check  what  you  are  trying  to  do  on  the
>embedded  system  you  are  developing  for.
>Of  cource  the  closer  it  is  to  the  platform  you  are  developing  for  the
>I  thought  about  modifying  PearPc  to  emulate  my  hardware,  but  it  looked
>too  much  like  wark  and  no  one  was  paying  for  it.  The  idea  is  still
>somewhat  intriguing.  developing  for  an  embedded  system  on  a  software
>emulator  for  that  system.  Yes,  I  know  that  is  not  an  new  idea.
>Mustafa  Çayır  wrote:
> >Hi  all,
> >
> >Can  you  provide  some  information  about  PowerPC  simulators?  Which  one  is  best?  
> >
> >Best  Regards
> >
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>Dave  Lynch   DLA  Systems
>Software  Development:              Embedded  Linux
>717.627.3770            dhlii at    
>Over  25  years'  experience  in  platforms,  languages,  and  technologies  too  numerous  to  list.
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        jeanwelly at

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