## Transferring control to Linux (at address 0x00000000) ... Stop here

陈希 xchen at sunrisetelecom.com.cn
Fri Dec 15 14:59:00 EST 2006


	I use uboot to start linux. And my upm table has something wrong, so
I just set the OR1 to disbale the ram burst read/write. The uboot running
looks like OK. 
	Now,when I start linux,  the terminal only displays  "##
Transferring control to Linux (at address 0x00000000) ..." and stop here. I
just want ot know if the ram mode can effect starting linux, such as
mmu,cache and so on, and I must correct upm table firstly,  or I can ignore
the point and focus on the linux kernel itself, maybe console setup, maybe
some other parameters . My goal is aeesrt the factor, ram mode, linux kernel
setup or both.

Thanks and Br,

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