Ethernet bridging on MPC8248

jbi130 at jbi130 at
Tue May 3 16:15:14 EST 2005

Ole Andreas Torvmark <ole.torvmark at> writes:

> ifconfig eth0
> ifconfig eth1
> brctl addbr br0
> brctl addif br0 eth0
> brctl addif br0 eth1
> ifconfig br0 netmask
> If I connect a machine to port 0 (eth0) then I can ping the bridge
> from that machine,
> If I connect a machine to port 1 (eth1) I cannot ping the bridge.
> If I connect machines to both ports, I cannot ping one machine from
> the other, the only thing i can successfully ping is from port 0 to
> bridge and from bridge to port 0
> Is this a known problem with the FCC ENET driver or does it support
> bridging fully ?

Have you made sure that eth0 and eth1 are 'up'?  eg) ifconfig eth0 up.
I'm not sure, but br0 may need to be up as well.

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