Howto submit drivers/patches ?

David H. Lynch Jr. dhlii at
Mon Dec 19 16:25:26 EST 2005

	I am just polishing off bringup a Xilinx Virtex IV/ppc405 system with
minimal hardware under
	I have a collection of patches that I can submit for the specific,
board, for the Virtex IV, for board specific hardware, ...
	Additionally I have 2 complete boot loader through full serial driver
implementations of a pseudo serial console driver for this board when it
is in a HOST development system - it is a compact flash card normally
plugged into a PC during development and using the PC as the console,
and a complete serial driver chain for the Xilinx UartLite as a console
when not in a Host, or as a general serial driver. The Xilinx Driver is
based heavily on other 2.6 driver/serial drivers and not the 2.4
implementation from Xilinx.

	Is this list the right place to submit this ?
	Is there a HOWTO addressing the rules/procedures to do so.

	I have not looked at the kernel style guides, but the style of this
code is pretty much identical to other Kernel code. The UartLite driver
is virtually indistinguishable from other driver/serial drivers except
the few places where hardware differences require changes, and that
there is a full tree of end-end support similar to what exists for the

David H. Lynch Jr.
DLA Systems
354 Rudy Dam Rd.
Lititz, PA 17543

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