[Fwd: Re: Platform bus/ppc sys model - [Fwd: bi_recs and u-boot ppcboot.h]]

Jon Masters jonathan at jonmasters.org
Mon Apr 4 21:14:02 EST 2005

Wolfgang Denk wrote:

> In message <4250ED79.6010304 at jonmasters.org> you wrote:
>>| The CPCI405 supports switching the boot-cs between its 2 flash chips with the
>>| DIP-switch 4. You could copy the current ppcboot version into the 2nd flash
>>| chip as a fallback (please test it once).
>>Oooh. I didn't know that (don't have the schematics here :P) - cheers.

> BTW: I will attach the BDI2000 to the CPCI405 tomorrow or so, so  you
> can continue debugging in our virtual lab, too.

Good. I'll work with the Freescale guys to get somewhere with the OF 
stuff - I know you're not so keen on this as the final solution, and I 
agree with you, but it looks like there might be sufficient critical 
mass here to finally do something about ppc boot records.

>>FWIW Stefan, I am just setting up a similar power cycler setup to what
>>you guys have there - found a cheap supplier of wireless 13A mains
>>socket automation kits (<15EUR) in the local electronics store,
>>butchered remote control unit, sufficient for a cheapo cycler.

> Can you please send me some more details?

I bought one of these yesterday:


The remote control is trivially butchered and the buttons replaced with 
NPN transistors running off a PIC16F628 (well it will be by tonight). 
I've got a MAX233 doing RS232 to a PC for another project so am just 
reusing the comms to allow remote on/off control of 4-16 devices.


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