CPM2 Bug

Rune Torgersen runet at innovsys.com
Fri Oct 22 23:57:37 EST 2004

I think I found a bug in immap_cmp2.h

(in structue sit_cpm2_t)

I know that res7 was changed to make room for the PCI structure
But res6 is 2 bytes shorter in the new one.

I compared to the same structure in u-boot (that got the PCI change at
about the same time) and it has it at 94 bytes long also.

Old structure:
 /* System Integration Timers.
typedef struct sys_int_timers {
	char	res1[32];
	ushort	sit_tmcntsc;
	char	res2[2];
	uint	sit_tmcnt;
	char	res3[4];
	uint	sit_tmcntal;
	char	res4[16];
	ushort	sit_piscr;
	char	res5[2];
	uint	sit_pitc;
	uint	sit_pitr;
	char	res6[94];
	char	res7[2390];
} sit8260_t;

New structue:
typedef struct sys_int_timers {
	u8	res1[32];
	u16	sit_tmcntsc;
	u8	res2[2];
	u32	sit_tmcnt;
	u8	res3[4];
	u32	sit_tmcntal;
	u8	res4[16];
	u16	sit_piscr;
	u8	res5[2];
	u32	sit_pitc;
	u32	sit_pitr;
	u8	res6[92];
	u8	res7[390];
} sit_cpm2_t;

Rune Torgersen
System Developer
Innovative Systems LLC
1000 Innovative Drive
Mitchell, SD 57301
Ph: 605-995-6120

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