Interrupt handling triggered by GPIO-input on 405EP?
Martin Egholm Nielsen
martin at
Tue May 18 22:29:46 EST 2004
Hello there,
I've done some initial coding with the ibmgpio driver with my PPC405EP
(PPChamelon) board, and inspired by the "gpio_test.c"-application, I've
succeeded in turning on some attached LEDs on some of the ports, and
reading whether some of the others ports are set high or low using the
(manually) attached pushbutton-switches.
However, the way the application is at the moment I need to poll the
input-ports every so often in order to detect a pushbutton-activation.
Hence, I would like to register an interrupt-handler (of some sort) that
informs me when these events occur. Is that somehow possible?
Best regards,
Martin Egholm
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