Need clarity on compiler & emulator usage

Wells, Charles Charles.Wells at
Mon Mar 1 23:24:50 EST 2004

what is the advantage of using GNU compiler as such?
why not other compilers like Diab C compiler can be used?
can we use vision ice emulators to download the image if not why?
what is the advantage of using BDI2000?

-----Original Message-----
From: Thamarai Selvan [mailto:Thamarai.Selvan at]
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 1:33 AM
To: linuxppc-embedded at
Cc: uclinux-dev at
Subject: Need clarity on compiler & emulator usage

hi all,

I have a real strange question
Let us take it specific on ppc architecture if needed
what are the constraints that prevent the usage of the above compiler and

Thanks in before for all your inputs

with regards
Thamarai Selvan.G

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