DS1340 RTC (i2c device)

miguel.valero at axxessit.no miguel.valero at axxessit.no
Mon Jul 19 16:44:12 EST 2004

Does anyone have any good suggestions about how to handle an i2c RTC
device, as f.e. the Maxim ds1340 ?

As far as I can understand, the "todc_time" component only supports memory
mapped RTC devices.

I believe I have to implement my own, platform dependent, "time_init",
"set_rtc_time" and "get_rtc_time" functions, and register them in the
ppc_md structure during platform initialisation.

I also believe that "time_init" and "get_rtc_time" are called by the
kernel rather early.

The question is whether the i2c driver is already in place by the time
these functions are called, so that I can register a driver for the
Has anyone done something like that ?
If I am on the wrong track, can someone give me a good hint ?

Miguel A. Valero
R & D Engineer
PB 219 Økern
Risløkkveien 2 N-0510 Oslo

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