ppclinux at ppclinux at
Thu Dec 16 03:51:01 EST 2004

> Your SDRAM initialization is suspect

Thx for that. Those words made me go through the SDRAM
initialization once again and BINGO the PSDMR register had
an address line setting wrong.

The thing is that we have boards with 128M and 256M and the
PSDMR register settings was the same for both. Other involved
registers were modified by the book.


Cheers // Matias

> ppclinux at wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have a Freescale-PPC8270 ( Former Motorola ) based board with 256Megs
>> of
>> RAM.
>> I am using the Montavista Vista Kernel 2.4.20.
>> When the system is handling larger files ~100M when NFS mounted and ~20M
>> when RAMDISKed the kernel crashes since things are being overwritten in
>> memory.
>> The crash happens when handling/creating large files by measn of e.g.
>> * dd
>> * gunzip
>> * sftp download
>> etc. it seems to be a general memory handling problem.
>> When looking at the memory though there are plenty of free space, or
>> there
>> should be plenty of free space but for some reason things are
>> overwritten...
>> The Kernel reports actually 256M of memory. Top also shows that there is
>> o
>> r should be more than enough free memory for the operations I am trying
>> to
>> pull :-))
>> Can you give me suggestions where to start digging into this problem?
>> Best Regards // Matias
> Your SDRAM initialization is suspect
> gvb
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