Linux booting problems in the IBM Bubinga Board

Nivedita Pitre Nivedita.Pitre at
Thu Aug 5 09:32:48 EST 2004

I am using U-boot to boot linux kernel on the IBM Bubinga (405EP board). Using kernel version 2.6.7, which has a default config file for this board. Changed the board info structure to match u-boot's board information structure. Using the mkimage utility in u-boot to create a uImage, which I am downloading via tftpserver to u-boot. Uboot recognizes this image, and jumps into the kernel, after which the system hangs. The last message I see is uncompressing kernel -- OK. I read the manual for u-boot, which suggests modifying the board information structure, and I did that, still have the same problem. After this, I turned on kernel hacking in the config, the CONFIG_SERIAL_TEXT_DEBUG on. This allows me to see some progress on the serial port, the ppc_mach_dep calls output some messages. This tells me that code reaches in start_kernel, however, after console_init, the serial port dies. I assume this is because we initialize the serial port, and turn off early debug. I commented o
t this part, and enabled early debug messages to continue throughout the start_kernel routine. Also added my own debug messages. So far as I can see, the code goes through till the end of start_kernel without hanging. This makes me think this is a serial port problem in the kernel, but I cannot think what it is. I have configured the UART_TTYSO, SERIAL_CONSOLE, and 8250 drivers in the .config file, and so far as I can see, all the relevant .o files are created, so these drivers are getting compiled. Does anyone have any suggestions for debugging. I am setting up BDI200 to debug this problem. Let me know if there is something else that I am not doing right.


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