gt-64260 Question

Mark A. Greer mgreer at
Wed Nov 26 05:08:07 EST 2003

Benjamin Davis wrote:

> Is anyone familiar how to set the QACk delay on the 64260 system
> controller, specifically on an mvme5500 board.

There are several 'delays' referred to in the gt64260 manual, none of
which are a QACK (AFAICT).  Do you mean AACK?  If not, are you sure its
not a field in a board registers?

> I am trying to work
> around a bit of errata noted in the mpc7450 family chip errata.  Also,
> does anyone know were to find information on ths gt-64260, marvell is
> not forthcoming in providing information.

This is a true statement.  My company had to sign an NDA before I could
see any manuals and I'm not sure just anyone can get an NDA from Marvell.

If you provide some more info, I may be able to help you.


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