boot PPClinux on Sandpoint with Atlimus board
dong in kang
dkang at
Wed May 14 23:53:45 EST 2003
I'm trying to boot PPClinux on Sandpoint with Altimux board (using MPC755
and MPC107 bridge chip).
I don't use DINK32. I use Codewarrior v.6.0 with BDI 2000.
I'm trying to load the zImage.initrd on the SDRAM and directly run the
kernel without using bootloader.
I use MontaVista's hardhat linux. I configured the linux to work for
I use BDI2000 to initialize the bridge chip, which are less than 10
instructions long.
After initialization, I can read/write sdram.
And then I upload zImage.initrd at 0x800000.
It successfully decompresses the kernel and jump to 0x00000000.
>From there it works fine until it enables MMU and jump to 0xC0000000.
When it jumps to 0xC0000000, it only finds garbage there. All FFs at
I checked the register MSR and BATs. They look OK. But address translation
doesn't seem to occur.
I think I need to do more initialization before I upload zImage.initrd and
run it.
Could anybody tell me what should i do?
Dong-In Kang
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