Calling __eabi

Erik Christiansen erik at
Mon Mar 3 16:14:19 EST 2003

   Despite compiling with;

powerpc-linux-gcc -Iinclude -g -meabi -c -o obj/app_init.o app_init.c

   the expected compiler-generated call to __eabi() is not magically inserted
at the start of main. (Using powerpc-linux-gcc version 2.95.3)

   Have I perhaps misinterpreted the following in the GNU CC Manual?:

   Selecting -meabi means that the stack is aligned to an 8 byte boundary, a
function __eabi is called to from main to set up the eabi environment, and the
`-msdata' option can use both r2 and r13 to point to two separate small data

   And in Motorola's AN1809:

   Much of the required EABI register setup is accomplished through a call to
   __eabi(). The user does not call this function directly. Instead, the
   compiler inserts the call to __eabi() at the beginning of main() in the user

   From an objdump of the object file:

int main(void)^M
  104258:   94 21 ff f0    stwu  r1,-16(r1)
  10425c:   7c 08 02 a6    mflr  r0
  104260:   93 e1 00 0c    stw   r31,12(r1)
  104264:   90 01 00 14    stw   r0,20(r1)
  104268:   7c 3f 0b 78    mr r31,r1
   init_led();                               // Whoof! Into it, but no __eabi!?
  10426c:   48 00 07 89    bl 1049f4 <init_led>

   There's sommat else that needs to be done, to tickle it into
delivering the goods, and I haven't twigged to it yet.


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