AgileDB and Abatron BDI 2000 ICE

Wolfgang Denk wd at
Sat Jul 12 00:48:29 EST 2003

In message <8529B5552D4EAA4DAEDF49650C64B2B437128C at> Muhammad Sarwar wrote:
> Main advantage of Agile is that it integrates Abatron's commands and
> GDB debugging services.

I have not used AgileDB yet. How does this integration work? I  mean,
how much more do you get than when using GDB's "monitor" command?

> Nice GUI for all BDI and GDB features at one place

You can use DDD and add some custom-defined buttons.

> Ability to move registers, structs etc to same watch window(by click
> and drag)  Tools to automate some processes like loading of register
> init file, playing back command script

I suspect this might be just using GDB features?

> Ability to set PC, other registers etc

Standard GDB features...

> Ability to use the same software for debugging of user applications

Standard GDB feature.

> However there are some problems:
> Program crashes frequently, they are offering new version of SW which
> is supposed to be more stable. Problems in setting break points.
> Problem in getting stack info display. Bug in display of struct
> info
> I think overall it brings good value for boot and kernel debugging.

I'm sorry, but from what you listed I don't see any advantages...

[But I have to admit that I've been using  GDB  and  CLI's  for  some

Best regards,

Wolfgang Denk

Software Engineering:  Embedded and Realtime Systems,  Embedded Linux
Phone: (+49)-8142-4596-87  Fax: (+49)-8142-4596-88  Email: wd at
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