
David Gibson david at
Thu Sep 19 10:47:45 EST 2002

On Wed, Sep 18, 2002 at 04:27:05PM -0000, Linux  PPC wrote:
> Hello,
> Has anybody seen it working? We are using sensoray
> video module, which uses Lynx3DM chip.

The framebuffer driver as a whole is incomplete, and won't work as a
frame buffer driver.  If someone were to correct that, that would be a
Good Thing (tm).

I wrote the driver for use on the Embedded Planet Icebox (Sensoray 322
module).  I was primarily using the XFree86 siliconmotion driver, but
this makes some PCish assumptions.  I wrote the framebuffer driver to
do the basic initialization of the card - with the fb driver loaded
it's relatively easy to get X working.  I intended to complete it -
i.e. make it a fully working fb driver, but I never had the time.

Note that the fb driver does do one particularly important thing - it
initializes the memory subsystem using some undocumented prodding of
the card.  On PCs this is performed by the card BIOS, and the video
memory won't work correctly without it.

David Gibson			| For every complex problem there is a
david at	| solution which is simple, neat and
				| wrong.

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