help needed for porting linux-2.5 to a ppc custom board

Ricardo Scop scop at
Thu Sep 19 03:39:46 EST 2002

Hello Piyush,

I'm not really an expert, so I'll help only with what I know. Read

I'm also relaying this message to the public list, so they can help
you further, possibly correcting me if I'm wrong :o)

[]'s, Scop                            mailto:scop at

It might look like I'm doing nothing, but at the cellular level I'm
really quite busy.

Wednesday, September 18, 2002, 4:49:15 AM, you wrote:

Aa> Hello Ricardo,

Aa>     Thanks a lot for your replies.


Aa> Actually my requirement is to have printk messages and kgdb prints coming
Aa> from this uart. Is this possible to have printk-msgs while running kernel
Aa> in kgdb mode?
Sorry, I never used kgdb on my custom board (we have a BDI2000!).

Aa> Sometimes my requirement is to connect some other serial device to the
Aa> uart and that time i want to store printk messages some where else or
Aa> dump through network-interface.
AFAIK, you can always get printk messages through /proc/kmsg. I don't
know if there's an already implemented way of inhibiting them from
going to the debug console.

Aa>  After going through the arch/ppc/8*_io/uart.c files, I have the
Aa> following doubts :-
Aa> 1. After rs_8xx_init() is called, do the printk messages come out
Aa>   of this port using serial_console_write() function?

Aa>    rs_8xx_init() is called from tty_init() from chr_dev_init()
Aa>   which will also call init's() of other character drivers, whose
Aa>   debugging printk's i want to come through this port.

Aa> 2. If not, is it the case that this uart is unregistered from list
Aa>   of consoles?
No, neither that. The uart port is used for both purposes

Aa> Regards,
Aa> Piyush.

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