can you terll me how to find sources

Sangmoon Kim dogoil at
Fri May 3 16:29:12 EST 2002


> checking  whetehr setvbuf argument are reserved... configure: error cannot
> run test program while cross compiling
> I think it was correct!
> what's problem?? I'm not understanding.
> help me?

It seams I responded your message before. At that time I didn't think bash can be crosscompiled.  But according to the David Muller's message, responding to your mail or perhaps mine, I was wrong.  His patch against bash-2.05a was nice. I could crosscompile bash with the patch. Sorry for the wrong information.

> Could you tell me how to find  sources and  how to correct compiling ??
You don't like the Wolfgang Denk's SELF, I recommended before, don't you? The sources you are finding so eargerly may be all here...

Good luck!
- Sangmoon Kim -

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