The maximum size of stack in linuxppc kernel

Kim, Kwansuk kskim at
Fri Apr 19 21:38:47 EST 2002

Hi, everyone,

I'm writing a device driver on my PPC405GP custom board, and

I wonder the maximum size of stack which is used for function call.

I searched kernel_source/Documantation and found such a comment.

     A rigid stack limit
      The kernel stack is about 6K in 2.2 (for most
      architectures: it's about 14K on the Alpha), and shared
      with interrupts so you can't use it all.  Avoid deep
      recursion and huge local arrays on the stack (allocate
      them dynamically instead).

But I wonder exact maximum size of the kernel I'm using (2.4.18-pre7)

How can I find it in the kernel source?

I wish you a nice weekend!

     Just for fun...
                                                  - Linus Torvalds
  Kwansuk Kim
  Engineer, NeoWave Inc.
  Tel   +82-31-380-4927    Fax +82-31-380-4747
  E-mail: kskim at

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