linuxppc_2_4_devel rsync access

Murray Jensen Murray.Jensen at
Wed May 16 14:00:23 EST 2001

Hi All, it appears that the linuxppc_2_4_devel rsync tree is not being
updated from the bk tree. I have diffed the two and there are a lot of
changes in the bk tree that don't appear in the rsync tree. Could someone
check if the update is happening please? Thanks in advance. Cheers!

PS: if you're wondering why I don't just use the bk tree, I like using the
rsync tree because I import the sources into a local CVS repository and I
don't have to worry about doing a bk get, and then ignoring bk control files
and SCCS directories etc. (I will do this now, but the rsync is easier for
me - if it is up to date).
Murray Jensen, CSIRO Manufacturing Sci & Tech,         Phone: +61 3 9662 7763
Locked Bag No. 9, Preston, Vic, 3072, Australia.         Fax: +61 3 9662 7853
Internet: Murray.Jensen at  (old address was mjj at

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