request_irq in a module casues kernel crash
Cort Dougan
cort at
Fri Mar 23 17:01:43 EST 2001
Try request_8xxirq, not request_irq. The 8xx has its own name for
} I am trying to write a module where I am trying to register an interrupt
} handler using request_irq() sample code for which appears below, when
} I try to load this module, I am getting kernel panic. Anybody knows reason
} why?
} I have compiled the kernel with CONFIG_MODULES=y CONFIG_MODVERSIONS=y
} I am using 2.4.2-pre3 on a 860 platform.
} void handler(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs * regs)
} {
} printk("Interrupt handler invoked for irq %d \n",irq);
} }
} /* load the module */
} int init_module(void)
} {
} int result;
} result = request_irq (SIU_IRQ7, my_handler,SA_INTERRUPT,
} "cxeHandler",NULL);
} if ( result )
} printk("Interrupt not assigned");
} else
} printk("Interrupt assigned");
} return 0;
} }
} /* remove the module */
} void cleanup_module(void)
} {
} return;
} }
} /Subodh Nijsure
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