The initialization of MMU on 860
Borlizzi Giacomo
giacomo.borlizzi at
Fri Feb 2 21:03:04 EST 2001
.. and now using the linux-2.4.1 I see on my vt100:
=> go 830000
## Starting application at 0x00830000 ...
loaded at: 00830000 0083B1D4
relocated to: 00180000 0018B1D4
board data at: 001801B8 001801D4
relocated to: 00820100 0082011C
zimage at: 00836000 008AE0E1
initrd at: 008AE0E1 00A84F1E
avail ram: 00A85000 01000000
Linux/PPC load:
Uncompressing Linux...done.
Now booting the kernel
and on the emulator:
!ERROR! - Unexpected Exception(s) Taken at 00001228
Exception(s) Reported are (ECR) : Machine Check,
Current Address Pointer (SRR0) : 00001228
Machine State Register (MSR) : 00001000
Data Address Register (DAR) : 040003FC
Data Interrupt Register (DSISR) : 000002B4
Break Address Register (BAR) : 00000000
Interrupt Cause Register (ICR) : 10201000
PPC Instruction at $00001228 : 0x82B40000 :ppc LWZ
R00 = 00000300 R01 = C0116E10 R02 = 3FFFFDA8 R03 =
R04 = C0820100 R05 = 0000A4A3 R06 = 00820000 R07 =
R08 = C014D88C R09 = C0140000 R10 = 00000000 R11 =
R12 = 00000005 R13 = 00000000 R14 = 00FDB200 R15 =
R16 = 00000000 R17 = 00000000 R18 = 00000000 R19 =
R20 = 040003FC R21 = 00000000 R22 = 00000000 R23 =
R24 = C000A44C R25 = 00F9FC70 R26 = 00030000 R27 =
R28 = C0820100 R29 = 008AE0E1 R30 = 0000A4A3 R31 =
CR = 35005009 MSR = 00001000 LR = C0002838 SRR0 =
SRR1 = 00001000 SPRG0 = 00000000 SPRG1 = 001801B8 SPRG2 =
SPRG3 = 80000000 XER = 80000000 CTR = 00000000 PC =
>BKM>dr mmu
MMU register Group. (MMU)
MICTR = 00001F00 MIAP = 40000000 MIEPN = C0000200 MITWC =
MIRPN = 000001FD MIDCAM = 4082140E MIDRAM0 = 00000EFF MIDRAM1 =
MDCTR = 14001E00 MCASID = 00000000 MDAP = 40000000 MDEPN =
MTWB = 040003FC MDTWC = 00000FFC MDRPN = 220001FF MTW =
MDDCAM = 00320020 MDDRAM0 = EF104A0D MDDRAM1 = EF104A0D
Then after some investigation I discovered that the MTWB (the tablewalk
M_TWB) register
was not initialized by the kernel startup process, and when a data table
miss occurs the
related interrupt routine crashes due to an access to an illegal
Now I'll try to investigating where is the initialization value.... but
if there is
a fast response about it I'll very apprecciate.
This is the initialiazation code of kernel....
.globl __start
mr r31,r3 /* save parameters */
mr r30,r4
mr r29,r5
mr r28,r6
mr r27,r7
li r24,0 /* cpu # */
tlbia /* Invalidate all TLB entries */
li r8, 0
mtspr MI_CTR, r8 /* Set instruction control to zero */
lis r8, MD_RESETVAL at h
oris r8, r8, MD_WTDEF at h
mtspr MD_CTR, r8 /* Set data TLB control */
/* Now map the lower 8 Meg into the TLBs. For this quick hack,
* we can load the instruction and data TLB registers with the
* same values.
lis r8, KERNELBASE at h /* Create vaddr for TLB */
ori r8, r8, MI_EVALID /* Mark it valid */
mtspr MI_EPN, r8
mtspr MD_EPN, r8
li r8, MI_PS8MEG /* Set 8M byte page */
ori r8, r8, MI_SVALID /* Make it valid */
mtspr MI_TWC, r8
mtspr MD_TWC, r8
li r8, MI_BOOTINIT /* Create RPN for address 0 */
mtspr MI_RPN, r8 /* Store TLB entry */
mtspr MD_RPN, r8
lis r8, MI_Kp at h /* Set the protection mode */
mtspr MI_AP, r8
mtspr MD_AP, r8
/* Map another 8 MByte at the IMMR to get the processor
* internal registers (among other things).
mfspr r9, 638 /* Get current IMMR */
andis. r9, r9, 0xff80 /* Get 8Mbyte boundary */
mr r8, r9 /* Create vaddr for TLB */
ori r8, r8, MD_EVALID /* Mark it valid */
mtspr MD_EPN, r8
li r8, MD_PS8MEG /* Set 8M byte page */
ori r8, r8, MD_SVALID /* Make it valid */
mtspr MD_TWC, r8
mr r8, r9 /* Create paddr for TLB */
ori r8, r8, MI_BOOTINIT|0x2 /* Inhibit cache -- Cort */
mtspr MD_RPN, r8
/* Since the cache is enabled according to the information we
* just loaded into the TLB, invalidate and enable the caches here.
* We should probably check/set other modes....later.
lis r8, IDC_INVALL at h
mtspr IC_CST, r8
mtspr DC_CST, r8
lis r8, IDC_ENABLE at h
mtspr IC_CST, r8
mtspr DC_CST, r8
/* For a debug option, I left this here to easily enable
* the write through cache mode
lis r8, DC_SFWT at h
mtspr DC_CST, r8
lis r8, IDC_ENABLE at h
mtspr DC_CST, r8
/* We now have the lower 8 Meg mapped into TLB entries, and the caches
* ready to work.
mfmsr r0
ori r0,r0,MSR_DR|MSR_IR
mtspr SRR1,r0
lis r0,start_here at h
ori r0,r0,start_here at l
mtspr SRR0,r0
rfi /* enables MMU */
this is the interrupt routine
. = 0x1200
#ifdef CONFIG_8xx_CPU6
stw r3, 8(r0)
li r3, 0x3f80
stw r3, 12(r0)
lwz r3, 12(r0)
mtspr M_TW, r20 /* Save a couple of working registers */
mfcr r20
stw r20, 0(r0)
stw r21, 4(r0)
mfspr r20, M_TWB /* Get level 1 table entry address */
/* If we are faulting a kernel address, we have to use the
* kernel page tables.
andi. r21, r20, 0x0800
beq 3f
lis r21, swapper_pg_dir at h
ori r21, r21, swapper_pg_dir at l
rlwimi r20, r21, 0, 2, 19
lwz r21, 0(r20) /* Get the level 1 entry */ <<------ the
crash point !!!!!!!
rlwinm. r20, r21,0,0,19 /* Extract page descriptor page address */
beq 2f /* If zero, don't try to find a pte */
/* We have a pte table, so load fetch the pte from the table.
tophys(r21, r21)
ori r21, r21, 1 /* Set valid bit in physical L2 page */
#ifdef CONFIG_8xx_CPU6
li r3, 0x3b80
stw r3, 12(r0)
lwz r3, 12(r0)
mtspr MD_TWC, r21 /* Load pte table base address */
mfspr r20, MD_TWC /* ....and get the pte address */
lwz r20, 0(r20) /* Get the pte */
/Giacomo Borlizzi
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