EST SBC8260 and Canary CTX-1170

Brian Ford ford at
Wed Nov 29 09:33:46 EST 2000

On Tue, 28 Nov 2000, Dan Malek wrote:

> I just checked in the newer driver that will properly do this on
> the EST board with the National PHY in the CTX-1170 gizmo.  If for
> some reason this doesn't work, just modify mii_discover_phy_poll() to
> set 'phy_duplex' to '1'.
Thank you very much.

> I checked this into linuxppc_2_5 BitKeeper on FSM Labs.  My 2.3/2.4
> kernel is broken and I need to clone a new tree before I can make
> changes.  That will take a little while......

Ok.  Do you know if there is anonymous bk access to the linuxppc_2_5
tree?  If so, on what port?
doesn't mention it and I would like to play with it if possible.

As an off topic side note, wouldn't it make sense for there to be a common
MII library for all linux network drivers to share?  Is this not possible,
or has no one volunteered yet?

Brian Ford
Software Engineer
Vital Visual Simulation Systems
FlightSafety International
Phone: 314-551-8460
Fax:   314-551-8444

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