EST SBC8260 and Canary CTX-1170

Dan Malek dan at
Wed Nov 29 09:04:21 EST 2000

Brian Ford wrote:

> So does this mean that a "complete" implementation would have a
> "command/status MII interface" or that a "complete" implementation does
> not need one?

The complete implementation should have a real command/status MII

> Can you help point me to where I need to write code that would initialize
> the FCC to do full duplex,

I just checked in the newer driver that will properly do this on
the EST board with the National PHY in the CTX-1170 gizmo.  If for
some reason this doesn't work, just modify mii_discover_phy_poll() to
set 'phy_duplex' to '1'.

I checked this into linuxppc_2_5 BitKeeper on FSM Labs.  My 2.3/2.4
kernel is broken and I need to clone a new tree before I can make
changes.  That will take a little while......

	-- Dan

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