How to get rom code to go on FADS?
Richard Hendricks
richard.hendricks at
Fri May 19 02:15:34 EST 2000
"Dan A. Dickey" wrote:
> Richard Hendricks wrote:
> >
> > "Dan A. Dickey" wrote:
> ...
> > > So, I'm attributing this recent success to:
> > > A) Setting SYPCR in the rom code fairly early on.
> > > B) Issuing a "rms der 0" to mpc8bug when it is connected.
> >
> > Interesting. So clearing the SYPCR early in the ROM code is what
> > was preventing you from getting the code to run stand-alone? Kinda
> > odd, considering the initial value of the watchdog is very long,
> > and you were having problems getting your Aux LED to turn on
> > right at the very beginning.
> I believe that was at least a goodly portion of it.
> It is interesting to note that the Aux LED still doesn't
> blink unless the ADI & mpc8bug are connected.
> Stand alone - no blinking light.
Well that's just plain odd. If for some reason you couldn't
access the Aux LED, then you shouldn't be able to activate
any of the other stuff. Something very bizarre is happening. :)
Have you tried activating the LED from much later in your code?
> I'm going to
> attribute this for the time being to the UPM not
> being initialized - or some piece of hardware.
> In any case, I was trying to use the Aux LED as
> an indicator of how far the cpu got through the
> code. Getting to the point of an 8xxrom prompt
> at which I can enter 'bootz', hit C/R, and see
> linux boot up was enough for me to yank the assembly
> version of the Aux LED blinking code.
> I also think it was the delays I put in between
> turning the light on/off that caused it to take too
> long and for the watchdog to bite.
> I might add that doing the "rms der 0" helped tremendously
> as well. I can now leave the ADI & mpc8bug connected
> (for flashing new code) - but still allow linux to load
> & start. It doesn't without doing that (even though
> 8xxrom sets DER to 0!).
Um, that's documented so I take no blame for it. :)
See page 20-41. If you have debug mode enabled, and
are not currently IN debug mode (ie, MPC8bug is connected,
but you are running your code), then a write to the
DP registers is ignored.
What I do to download programs to MPC8bug is:
Flash the S-Records
Just download the ELF file symbols (load blah :js) for debug
Set the DER to something reasonable like 0xfdc7400f
(I'm very lazy about this, I added a "setder" command to .mpctcl.cfg
at the very end. Looks like:
a setder rms der 0xfdc7400f
Laziness is the mother of invention!)
Then I unload the PLPRCR and set the MF. Sometimes MPC8bug gets
lost when the CPU changes clock frequencies, this gets around that.
> -Dan
MPC823 Applications Engineering Development
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