How to get rom code to go on FADS?

Dan A. Dickey ddickey at
Tue May 16 03:00:28 EST 2000

Richard Hendricks wrote:
> "Dan A. Dickey" wrote:
> >
> >
> >         /* Now we need to fix the LR since it points back to
> > 0x0000_010x,
> >          * not 0x0280_010x like it needs to after we muck up the BCSR's
> > */
> >
> >         mflr    r3
> >         oris    r3, r3, 0x0280
> >         mtlr    r3
> >
> >         addis   r0,0,0
> >
> >         addi    r3, r0, MSR_    /* Set ME, RI flags */
> >         mtmsr   r3
> >         mtspr   SRR1, r3        /* Make SRR1 match MSR */
> >
> >         /* Make the LR equal the PC. */
> >         oris    r3,r0,sync_jump at h
> >         ori             r3,r3,sync_jump at l
> >         mtspr   LR,r3
> >         bclr    20,0
> > sync_jump:
> Kinda odd you leave the mflr, oris, mtlr and then change it to match the
> PC.
> Since you are not being called from another function, you really
> shouldn't
> need either. (IE, what's the point in making the LR equal to the PC?
> Would probably make more sense to make it point to, say, the Machine
> Check exception)

This stuff up above came from Motorola's 860 Initialization code.
I claim mostly ignorance when it comes to the 860/850; I have a
high degree of desire to *not* learn assembly for this processor.
But I do understand that I will have at least be able to read it,
and write some things.  Mostly, I'm hoping to leverage off of
what others have already done; and contribute in other areas.

> > #if 1
> >         /* position IMMR */
> >
> >         lis     r1, IMMR_VALUE at h
> >         ori     r1, r1, 0
> >         mtspr   638, r1
> >
> > bror1start:
> >         /* need to setup BR1/OR1 to get to the BCSR on the fads */
> >         lis r9,0xffff
> >         ori r9,r9,0x8110
> >         lis r10,0x0210
> >         ori r10,r10,0x0001
> >         stw r9,0x10C(r1)
> >         stw r10,0x108(r1)
> >         /* signal on */
> >         lis     r8,0x210
> >         ori     r8,r8,16
> >         lis r9,0x210
> >         ori r9,r9,16
> >         lwz r10,0(r9)
> >         rlwinm r9,r10,0,4,2
> >         stw r9,0(r8)
> Hm.. Whay are you ori'ing in 16?  BCSR1 should be at 0x4, not 0x10.  You
> end
> up dropping r9 onto BCSR0, which can't be a good thing.  Try changing
> the
> two ori's to ori r8,r8,4 and ori r9, r9, 4.  Let me know what happens!

Going along with my ignorance of assembly, the above I copied out
of a .s file - the result of writing the above in C and asking the
to produce the .s.  Cut & paste is a wonderful thing.  :)  However,
sometimes it comes back to haunt you.  It'd be my guess that I did
not change one of the register names correctly (after doing the cut &
paste, I changed the registers to be something more "appropriate").

I'll try your suggestion shortly - however, the processor never
reaches this point in execution.

Following your recommendation of powering off/on and just doing a
"reset :ni", I've been able to learn more.  I'm not sure what at
the moment, but things definitely are not working the way they
should - while the above code runs just fine when doing a "reset :h".

I'll let you know more soon.

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