What is the catch with IDMA on MPC860?
Geir Frode Raanes
geirfrs at invalid.ed.ntnu.no
Sat Mar 18 04:02:22 EST 2000
On Fri, 17 Mar 2000, Richard Hendricks wrote:
> Geir Frode Raanes wrote:
> >
> > Revision C or later of the '860 will even perform
> > a single-address _burst_ transfer on IDMA channel 1.
> > This I would love to do from our in-house designed
> > frame grabber to main memory. Then I could avoid
> > disabling all interrupts while bursting. Meaning
> > I could still catch run-away situations on a
> > time-out basis. Today things simply lock up...
> The biggest complaint I hear is the performance stinks.
> Which it does, since it is really a software based DMA
> algorithm running on the CPM.
Possibely. But where does the manual say that the
performance stinks? It should be documented somewhere.
> I *think* you mean Single-buffer burst flyby mode.
That is correct. I just quoted the subtitle of figure 20-15.
But the chapter is named Single-buffer burst flyby mode.
The following figure numbers are collected from the current
version of the MPC860UM user manual in PDF form @ motorola.
Figure 14-5: Single-Beat Cycle Basic Timing Zero Wait States
Two clock cycles per bus cycle.
Figure 14-12: Burst-Read Cycle with Zero Wait state.
Five clock cycles per four words burst cycle.
Figure 20-15: Single Buffer/Address IDMA1 Burst Timing.
/TA alternating resulting in one waitstate per
word and thus nine clock cycles per four words
burst cycle.
Figure 14-14: Burst-Read Cycle with Wait States between Beats.
Would have been identical to figure 20-15
with identical /TA pattern.
Now, the question is - what controls the /TA line?
Will I get full speed if actively driving the /TA line low for
the duration of the IDMA1 burst cycle? Or for that matter in the
Single-address/Single-cycle Fly-by transfer of figure 20-10?
The subtitles states that /TA is externally generated. What then
stops me from running the IDMA bus cycle with normal PIO mode
timing as per figure 14-5?
Figure 20-10: /SDACK timing diagram
Single-Address Peripheral write
Never ever underestimate the power of human stupidity.
-Robert Anson Heinlein
GeirFRS at invalid.and.so.forth
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