EST8260 Boot Problem

Huy Vu at
Tue Dec 19 09:55:09 EST 2000

This is what I am using

vmlinuz-sbc8260-2.4.0-test2-1.2.2-3 from the HHL web site
I ran the kernel through the "vxhack" with the mod for LE

Then from the "BKM>" prompt I tried to load the kernel (after a successful
TFTP load) to the Vx's Files system. I know this works because I have loaded
VxWorks shell and run using it

When I load the Linux image I get the following error
>BKM>osboot vmlinuz-sbc8260

Loading file vmlinuz-sbc8260...Done
!HALT! - [msg90007]* Exception taken; PC = 0x00900000  Software Emulation

Can someone tell me what is going on?

Thanks in advance..

P.S. What's HHL talking about when they say "estflash" or "estsimm" and
"rmon" is included in the CDK.. I installed all packages and I have yet to
find it...

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