Looking for architecture papers

Raz raziebe at gmail.com
Thu Oct 4 17:41:13 AEST 2018

Frankly, the more I read the more perplexed I get. For example,
according to BOOK III-S, chapter 3,
the MSR bits are differ from the ones described in
Bit zero, is LE, but in the book it is 64-bit mode.

Would someone be kind to explain what I do not understand?

Thank you

On Wed, Oct 3, 2018 at 7:07 AM Michael Ellerman <mpe at ellerman.id.au> wrote:
> Raz <raziebe at gmail.com> writes:
> > Hello
> >
> > I want to learn about powerpc architecture, mainly hypervisor and
> > partioning.  I download the books (1,2, and 3 ) but I feel it lacks
> > a lot of information. Are there other books ?
> The ISA describes how the CPU works to allow you to implement a
> hypervisor, but it doesn't describe any of the HV/Kernel APIs.
> That's mostly covered in "LoPAPR":
>   https://members.openpowerfoundation.org/document/dl/469
> Although that's not been updated for Power9.
> cheers

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