char/tpm: Improve a size determination in nine functions

Jerry Snitselaar jsnitsel at
Thu Oct 19 04:54:12 AEDT 2017

On Wed Oct 18 17, SF Markus Elfring wrote:
>> For 1/4 and 2/4: explain why the message can be omitted.
>Why did you not reply directly with this request for the update steps
>with the subject “Delete an error message for a failed memory allocation
>in tpm_…()”?
>I find that there can be difficulty to show an appropriate information
>source for the reasonable explanation of this change pattern.

Shouldn't this information source for the explanation be the
submitter? I'd hope they understand what it is they are submitting.

>> Remove sentence about Coccinelle.
>I got the impression that there is a bit of value in such
>a kind of attribution.
>> That's all.
>I assume that there might be also some communication challenges involved.
>> 3/4: definitive NAK, too much noise compared to value.
>I tried to reduce deviations from the Linux coding style again.
>You do not like such an attempt for this software area so far.
>> 4/4: this a good commit message.
>Why did you not reply directly with this feedback for the update step
>“[PATCH 4/4] char/tpm: Less checks in tpm_ibmvtpm_probe() after error detection”?
>> Requires a Tested-by before can be accepted, which I'm not able to give.
>I am curious on how this detail will evolve.

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