[PATCH 1/1] serial/uuc_uart: Set shutdown timeout to CONFIG_HZ independent 2ms

Timur Tabi timur at tabi.org
Tue Dec 6 03:04:27 AEDT 2016

Alexander Stein wrote:
> -		schedule_timeout(2);
> +		schedule_timeout(msecs_to_jiffies(2));


So I don't remember why I wrote this code, but I don't think I was 
expecting it to be 2ms.  Instead, I think I just wanted it to be some 
delay, but I believed that schedule_timeout(1) was too short or would be 
"optimized" out somehow.

Note that right below this, I do:

	if (qe_port->wait_closing) {
		/* Wait a bit longer */

And wait_closing is a number of jiffies, so I knew that 
schedule_timeout() took jiffies as a parameter.

So I think I'm going to NACK this patch, since I believe I knew what I 
was doing when I wrote it five years ago.

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