Login prompt on a video console instead of serial port?

Timur Tabi timur at freescale.com
Tue May 3 06:02:57 EST 2011

McClintock Matthew-B29882 wrote:
> Don't you have to spawn a terminal on the framebuffer for the login?

I suppose, but I don't know how to do that.  And although that would technically
answer the question in the subject of this thread, I still would have *some*
boot output on the serial port.  It would be nice if I could get all of stdout
on the video display, and all of stdin from the serial port.

> Right now getty spawns the login on the serial port via /etc/inittab.
> Something similiar is probably needed for the framebuffer.

getty appears to work only with serial devices, since it insists on a baud rate
as one of the parameters.

Timur Tabi
Linux kernel developer at Freescale

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