Simple question about powerpc kernel source.

HongWoo Lee hongwoo7 at
Mon Jul 20 19:00:09 EST 2009

Hi all,

I have something to ask for the ppc kernel source.

#define LOADADDR(rn,name)           \
    lis     rn,name##@highest;      \
    ori     rn,rn,name##@higher;    \
    rldicr  rn,rn,32,31;            \
    oris    rn,rn,name##@h;         \
    ori     rn,rn,name##@l

Is ## used for concatenation. I'm not sure because it is just meaningless.
If so what on earth is the result of concatenating ?

And is there a good reference to understand powerpc asm ?
I'm reading Power ISA, but I can't find @highest, @higher and ##.
It would be good to know the reference book.

Thanks in advance.


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