How CPC925 HyperTransport Host Interface mapps NMI request?

Cao Qingtao harrytaurus2002 at
Tue Apr 7 20:48:47 EST 2009

Hi Michael,
Thanks for commenting on my CPC925 EDAC driver. I am on vacation this week and will integrate your suggestions next week.
I am also thinking of adding EDAC NMI support for the AMD8131 chip, which is a HyperTransport Tunnel device that hosts two PCI-X bridges. If enabled, each PCI-X bridge could generate NMI interrupt request package upstream, with vector identifier = 0. 
The CPC925 user mannual, p111, says that "This interrupt vector is used to set a corresponding interrupt latch", does this mean MPIC interrupt pin#0 would be latched on receiving NMI request package?
However, the pin#0 has been specified for Internal I2C master interrupt, so it would have to share hwirq #0 with NMI interrupt?
Thanks a lot!
Best regards,

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