RFC: MPC5200 PSC AC97 driver

Matt Sealey matt at genesi-usa.com
Fri Apr 18 01:10:04 EST 2008

Juergen Beisert wrote:
> Hi,
> +	/* the fifo starts right after psc ends */
> +	priv->fifo = (struct mpc52xx_psc_fifo*)&priv->psc[1];	/* FIXME */


	priv->fifo = (struct mpc52xx_psc_fifo*) (priv->psc + sizeof(struct mpc52xx_psc));

Be a little less obtuse use of C?

I just added 0x58 and gave it a pretty define in my version (PSC_FIFO_OFFSET or
something). I guess that was lame since the structure might change size in some
other dimension, but I don't think there is any smart way to do it... the 5121E
stuff really stomped on the way the device tree should be organised for the 5200B.

Matt Sealey <matt at genesi-usa.com>
Genesi, Manager, Developer Relations

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