[PATCH dtc take 2] Fix reserve map output for asm format.

Jerry Van Baren gvb.linuxppc.dev at gmail.com
Mon Apr 16 10:24:06 EST 2007

Milton Miller wrote:
> Sometime around Sun Apr 15 12:29:14 EST 2007, Jerry Van Baren wrote:
>> Add extra reserve map slots output for asm format (previously done for 
>> dtb
>>   output).
>> Signed-off-by: Gerald Van Baren <vanbaren at cideas.com>
>> ---
>> Hi Jon, David,
>> Here is a patch that fixes the asm output without the (unnecessary)
>> calloc change.
>> Best regards,
>> gvb
> The previous description had
>> Use cmalloc to pre-zero memory (for dtb input) and handle dtb (binary)
>>   input being shorter than the total blob length (result of putting
>>   extra space in the blob).
> Which at least said in the description the unrelated things it was 
> doing.

That was my added comment WRT the change from malloc to cmalloc.  David 
wasn't wild about using cmalloc, so I removed it.  Using cmalloc is not 

>>         while (sizeleft) {
>> -               if (feof(f))
>> -                       die("EOF before reading %d bytes of DT blob\n",
>> -                           totalsize);
>> +               if (feof(f)) {
>> +                       WARNMSG("EOF after reading %d of %d bytes of 
>> DT blob, assuming there is extra space in the blob.\n",
>> +                           totalsize - sizeleft, totalsize);
>> +                       break;
>> +               }
> I thnk the above should be an ERROR and cause failure without
> the -f (force) option.
> The total_size says how much data should be copied.  Anything
> less and there is data missing.   Assuming zeros is wrong for
> most sections (the exception being the memory reserve list
> that had a terminating 0 entry within the read portion).
> milton

The reason total_size is bigger than the actual size is because I 
created the blob with extra space using the -S parameter.  It is 
intentionally bigger.  The extra space is ignored by dtc when creating a 
dts/asm format output which is why cmalloc() is unnecessary.

I suppose we could require a -f force but I'm not wild about creating a 
nanny program.  There is nothing wrong with the blob - it parses just 
fine.  If there were problems with the blob contents, other errors would 
be raised.

Best regards,

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